Design 2 Decorative Crosswalks
CID Board Chairman Brand Morgan kicked off the event with a welcome and introduction of the CID board members. He shared highlights, including the CID’s accomplishment of having leveraged $28.6 million for improvements in the area since its formation.
Chairman Morgan then invited County Commission Chairwoman Nicole Love Hendrickson to share the County’s partnership successes with the CID. The Chairwoman shared some of the projects the CID and the County have worked together to fund. She also touched on the importance of the Gas South District and the entire Sugarloaf area to Gwinnett County.
Sugarloaf CID Executive Director Alyssa Davis shared some of the statistics from the CID’s ongoing economic assessment study, including the CID’s $15.6 billion impact on the state of Georgia. She also shared details on the funds leveraged, the growth of the CID since its formation in 2016, and upcoming projects that focus on signage and public art.
CID Board Treasurer and CEO of the Gwinnett Convention and Visitors Bureau, Stan Hall shared an update on the development plans that are taking place at the Gas South District.