Design 2 Decorative Crosswalks
The CID has installed landscaping at the Sugarloaf at I-85 interchange and in roadway medians to make our district more attractive and help establish a sense of place and pride in our community. Keeping these landscaping investments clean and well maintained is important to make sure the area remains attractive to businesses, residents, and visitors. The Sugarloaf CID contracts with Russell Landscaping to provide mowing, weed control, and litter removal in our landscaped areas and along the right-of way along our major corridors.
The CID installed and maintains landscaping at the Sugarloaf
Parkway at I-85 interchange and along medians on Sugarloaf Parkway and Satellite
Boulevard, and maintains the right-of way along our major corridors.
Ongoing maintenance continues while we identify new landscaping
opportunities in CID expansion areas.