Design 2 Decorative Crosswalks
This off-road trail would connect the Gas South District to Primerica’s campus providing a park-like trail experience through a natural setting. Adding a trail like this would not only bring much-needed park space to the Sugarloaf CID, but it would also create a pedestrian and bicycle connection to the Gas South District giving residents, employees, and visitors in the Sugarloaf area more ways to get around. This project was first identified in the Sugarloaf Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) study in 2018. The Sugarloaf CID commissioned a feasibility study to get a better idea of the potential trail alignment and costs.
Click here to view the presentation presented to the CID Board of Directors on November 10, 2022.
An off-road pedestrian and bicycle trail connection linking the Gas South District and Primerica.
The proposed trail contains a 0.85-mile segment and a 0.57-mile segment.
An initial feasibility study is complete. The next steps are to identify funding opportunities and partners.